
Enhanced Route Editor and Weather Forecasts

Discover the latest update of the Journey app, now with a redesigned route editor and weather forecast integration for smarter travel planning.

The Journey app's latest update introduces a revolutionary revamp of the route editor interface. This enhancement significantly improves user experience on all devices, offering a streamlined layout for easier navigation and integrated in-app guides that explain how Journey works.

Additionally, the route editor now includes expanded routing options, accommodating different vehicle types like cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and walking. A standout feature is the integration of weather forecasts for saved routes. This new functionality provides weather predictions up to 7 days in advance, ensuring users can plan their trips with the most current weather information.

Also new:

🚗 New route planning options for different vehicle types (cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and walking).

🌤️ Weather forecasts for future departures.